Grid theme to be supported in Survey123 web app

07-24-2019 05:10 AM
Status: Under Consideration
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

My company has published a survey to ArcGIS Online to collect customer interests in our services. We are asking the customer to fill out a survey 123 form and would like the form to support multiple questions per line like it does when published to Portal. The multiple questions per line can reduce the amount of scrolling the user would have to do, make the form more concise and more eye appealing.

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Quadrupling down on this - putting together a project budget form and hooboy it's going to be ugly without the use of grids. 


Edit: repeats are a good workaround for the time being. Only downside I'm now facing is an inability to 'review' entries/answers.


Is there any update on this? We use dozens of web forms and being able to grid the layout would be a huge improvement!


Please make it happen ESRI!


is there any update for grid theme support web form?


Ditto. . .

Any update on this feature?


Hi all- wondering if there has been an update on this? I work for a consulting company and we could use grid layout to convert paper forms to online forms for local governments who do outreach and public engagement. 


Upvote for grid layout to be supported in the Survey123 web app. Would like to switch over some Microsoft Access front end forms and this is essential for user friendly/visually appealing forms.


+1 on the idea of Grid Layouts in web forms


still hoping for that grid theme 2024!! any updates?


This is a needed update!  Styling a form to make it look nice and allow a streamlined process is needed.  adding additional clicks for the user via pages isn't ideal.  Also, it's nice to see all of your data in a single view (when possible) so one can see how all of the inputs relate to each other.

Please elevate this in the roadmap list of ideas.
