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Format numbers to include thousand separators: Survey123 Feature Report

10-07-2019 09:21 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

It would be very helpful to be able to format numbers to include thousand separators as an output in the feature report.  The commas are visible in Data tab on the Survey123 website, but are excluded when pushed out to the report.  I was hoping something like ${question | format: "999,999"} would work, but it does not.  In the report, I'd like to return 179,256 rather than 179256.  This could be done after the report is created, but that can amount to a lot of additional work.

GeoNet question on this topic here


Thanks Danielle. By the way it would be great to choose the decimal separator as well. For example I'd like to return 123 456,54 instead of 123456.54...


Thanks Danielle, exactly my thought! 


This is something we would like to have. Is there any updates on if this will be implemented any time soon?