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Enable fixed-grid and dynamic-grid styles to be displayed by the Survey123 web form

12-07-2021 12:17 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

The fixed-grid and dynamic-grid styles available in XLSForm (described and illustrated here and here) allow for greater control of form layout, and can result in a look and feel that replicates familiar paper forms. Forms with a grid layout can also be printed to a PDF using a browser's built-in printing functionality. Unfortunately, the grid layout style is only available when viewed in the Survey123 Field App and cannot currently be displayed in a Survey123 web form.

It would be extremely helpful if the grid style could be displayed in web forms as well as in the Field App. Here are two use cases:

1. Staff use Survey123 (in a browser or in the Field App) to survey properties in the field. For some of these properties, they later fill out a standard form to report properties with historical significance. It would be great if they could click on a surveyed property in a web app (from the feature service created by the first Survey123 form) and then click a link embedded in its popup to open a second Survey123 form with a grid layout replicating the paper form they're required to fill out. The second form would open in edit mode, pulling data from the selected feature to populate the form's fields and also allowing the staff member to enter some additional data, narrative text, etc. Then they could use the browser's print functionality to save a PDF of the completed form before submitting it. They can then submit that PDF file via email to the agency that requires it.

2. Staff can use a Survey123 form to request internal GIS work. They can submit the survey anonymously (not logged in) and these requests then appear in a queue on an internal dashboard shared with GIS staff. If a grid style were available for webn forms, GIS staff members could then click a a link in each request's list item (or map popup) to open a second Survey123 form in a browser that would display the new request in a compact grid layout. The GIS staff member can then update the status of the request, add other information, and print a nicely formatted PDF of the request form to save alongside the work they produce to fulfill the request.

Note: this idea expands on this previously posted idea.

Thank you!



Oh, cool! Doesn't sound like it's on the fast track to my desktop, but good to know that it's on the list. Thanks for sharing that link, @DougBrowning.


Any news on this? I've been hoping for this for years.


Hi All, wondering if there has been an update on this?