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Disable Add/Delete of Repeats on Web Form Editing

03-16-2023 04:28 AM
Status: Open
MVP Regular Contributor

Further to this post here:

The ability to prevent deletes and adds to repeats when a survey is opened for editing using query allowAdds=false is available for the mobile app only currently, since the addition of the ability to edit in web forms was created, this would be a very welcome addition!

For my case, we're using repeats in a form that I then have embedded in an Operations Dashboard for supervisors to approve the work that has been done. Because of the way the survey is set up with repeats the repeat is currently where the approval question is so it is visible in the review survey. Getting rid of the plus sign and garbage can would greatly reduce the chances for accidents with the data.



I've been trying to figure out why this wasn't being honored in my web form, which I am also using within a Dashboard. I agree that it would be nice to prevent additions and deletions within a repeat in a web form. I do want users to be able to update information in an existing repeat record (e.g. expand on brief field notes), but not to add or delete repeat records. 


@erica_poisson a little workaround I did for a supervisor approval survey was to set the repeat_count in the secondary survey to count(field_in_repeat) and it worked on the web to get rid of the add/deletes. I think this only would work because it's a second form however.


@RobertAnderson3 from what I have read, adding in a count(field_in_repeat) will disable the users ability to make use of the drafts mode in the field app. Am I correct in this statement? Asking for a friend here.


@HamzahIsmail I'm not sure honestly, none of my workflows follow that process, sorry. Would be a good limitation to note if that is true though.


This would be really advantageous, I'm hoping to make adds allowed, but updates disallowed. Please make this upgrade happen ESRI!