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Allow Non-Survey Owners to Download Form in Survey123 Connect

08-12-2019 09:28 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Currently, only the owner of the Survey123 may download the form in Survey123 connect (even if you are an admin in the Portal site). The only way around this is to either give the user the Survey123 .xls form, or to change ownership of the item in Portal. While not hard, it's kind of complicated and requires unnecessary additional steps.

I propose that if you are an administrator (or have permissions to take ownership of another person's items in Portal), you should be able to download the Survey123 form in Survey123 Connect without going through the hassle of asking the owner of the item for the .xls form, or having to go into Portal and change ownership.

My use case is we have multiple people who have a need to edit a single Survey123 form. Sometimes the Survey123 owner is out of the office but we have a need to modify a Survey123 form. It's a hassle to have to go in and change ownership of the Survey123 item just to update a form. 


Admins are able to edit other people's content throughout the AGO/Portal environment. It only makes sense to me that they should be able to edit other people's surveys in Connect as well. This is a huge oversight in my mind. 


I completely agree with @RyanUthoff and @KBERG_EGLE . This missing feature is regularly causing us issues when a colleague is out of office and a form needs to be updated quickly.


How is this not a feature still? It opens up for all kind of errors when I as a admin have to swap owners all the time (and you cant do that easy depending on group sharing settings)