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Add location profiles to Survey123

08-04-2023 01:31 PM
Status: Under Consideration
Labels (3)
Emerging Contributor


Add Location Profiles as a configuration parameter in Survey123

The Problem: 

You need to apply a datum transformation in Survey123 (perhaps, to utilize an RTK network) but you cannot configure the Location Profile in Survey123.

Location Profiles can currently be configured in ArcGIS Field maps to apply datum shifts, but this functionality has not been extended to the Survey123 app.

The Current Work-around:

For EOS receivers, a datum shift needs to calculated and applied outside of Survey123 in the EOS GNSS app.

A point collected in Field Maps using the desired Location Profile and a second point collected using the 'Default' settings can be used to calculate a datum shift in ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap. This shift can then be input into the EOS GNSS app, which will apply the datum transformation prior to logging the location in Survey123.

Thus, collecting high-accuracy location information in Survey123 is possible using the EOS work-around to apply a datum transformation.


The current work-around is complex and involves several steps and four different types of software.

This workflow could be greatly simplified if a parameter to configure a Location Profile could be added in Survey123 for Users needing a datum transformation for locations collected in Survey123.


Hi @ElizabethGreaves   Many thanks for submitting this idea. Would you mind if we schedule a call to discuss this in more detail? Please email us at if you are interested.

Status changed to: Under Consideration

This is a great idea and I was honestly surprised to discover it hadn't already been implemented. Especially considering that Survey123 support for external GNSS receivers with high accuracy and RTK was announced back in 2019:

I'm running into an issue with Field Maps and Mock Locations with an RTK setup and had turned to my trusty friend Survey123 which doesn't have the same limitation, but the lack of a Location Profile for the required datum transformation is a bummer.