I can no longer duplicate StoryMaps (as I could before). I've tried doing so multiple browsers, and tried restarting both browsers and computer: no dice.
Specifically, when I click "duplicate," it goes to a screen that SAYS it's duplicating ... but that never actually happens. When I return to my projects, a new "Draft" copy has been made ... but when I click on it, it can't be opened.
This problem began yesterday and persists today.
I'd be grateful to learn how to fix this! Many thanks for any insights (or accounts of similar experiences).
Solved! Go to Solution.
We have identified the cause of this issue and the plan is to address it in a patch currently scheduled for Monday.
For now, if you need to duplicate a story, you can ask your organization admin to do this for you as admin accounts are not affected by this issue. I apologize for the inconvenience.
@CeliaClifford -- This issue has been fixed. Please let us know if you are still having trouble duplicating stories.
Thanks, Owen! I can duplicate again: hooray! 😀
@CeliaClifford - Thanks for reporting this. We received one other report of this today, but so far we are not able to reproduce the issue ourselves.
Can you share your story publicly (from your ArcGIS content page) and send me the story ID so we can take a look? Is the story you are trying to duplicate your own story, or is it shared with you via a group?
Could you have a look at my story @OwenGeo too please? The same issue with duplicating here. https://arcg.is/0Tu5qa0
Thank you in advance,
Aleksandra Pawelec
@AleksandraPawelec -- We took a look at your story and don't see any reason it should present problems for duplication.
Can you share more information about the problem you are seeing? What steps are you following and what error do you encounter?
We have identified the cause of this issue and the plan is to address it in a patch currently scheduled for Monday.
For now, if you need to duplicate a story, you can ask your organization admin to do this for you as admin accounts are not affected by this issue. I apologize for the inconvenience.
That's amazing: thanks so much! I really appreciate the interim solution and plan for a quick fix too. 🙂
Hi Owen,
We are also having trouble duplicating our story. Any help you could give would be appreciated.
@RoatanMarineParkRMP, @InstofMarineandEnvTech -- The issue mentioned elsewhere in this thread has been fixed, and we are not aware of any general issues with duplication at this time. I would recommend that you reach out to Esri Technical Support so they can help troubleshoot what is going on with your stories.