If anyone could help me that would be great.
I did side car with maps showing the evolution of industrial zones in time, in Melbourne. As people scroll down, the years change (different sidecars) and people can see the industrial zones and firms changing.
The overall map shows Melbourne, but people can zoom in. My problem is, when people zoom in, lets say in the 1954 map as they wanna follow their particular neighborhood, when they scroll down to the next year (or next side car), the map goes back to the overall full Melbourne scale. Is there a way I can configure the map so if people decide to zoom in in an neighborhood, they are able to keep following the story in that same zoom?
Thank you for your help.
This is the link to my storymaps: https://arcg.is/C8Gjr1
Hi @NícolasGuerraRodriguesTao ,
The extent isn't something that can be controlled between maps at the minute. We also allow authors to set their desired extent of each map to ensure the data and information they're looking to provide to the reader is in full display upon reaching the map. If this is something you'd like us to consider adding as an enhancement down the line, I'd recommend posting on our ArcGIS Ideas space requesting this change!
I can add that we are looking into adding this capability in a future release. We don't have a timeline for release just yet, but it is something we are researching.