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Web Map

12-15-2023 07:23 AM
Status: Already Offered
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Regular Contributor
interactive web map with ArcGIS Online
J'ai accédé à ArcGIS online , j'ai ajouté des couches à ma carte et finalement je l'ai ouverte dans Map Viewer


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Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Sorry, I'm not sure what idea is being suggested, even after translating the text.

Please provide more information about your idea so we can evaluate it for inclusion in a future update of ArcGIS StoryMaps.

In the process of creating a web map using the ArcGIS Online platform, I
have incorporated various layers of geographical data to provide a
comprehensive view. This interactive map not only allows users to zoom in
and out, pan across the map, and view it in full-screen mode but also
facilitates the highlighting of specific elements for emphasis. One of its
notable advantages is the ease with which updates can be made, ensuring
that the information remains current and relevant.

Feel free to explore the web map by clicking on the following link:


Thank you for the link, but I'm still not sure what the feature or enhancement idea is that you are proposing for ArcGIS StoryMaps. Web maps can already be used within StoryMaps. Is there a specific interaction mode you are looking to use inside StoryMaps? Please provide additional detail so we can better understand your suggestion.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I appreciate the opportunity to
provide more details about the feature or enhancement idea I'm suggesting
for ArcGIS StoryMaps.

The primary objective of my proposal is to enhance the user experience
within StoryMaps by introducing a more interactive and engaging interaction
mode with web maps. While it's true that web maps can already be utilized
in StoryMaps, I envision a feature that goes beyond the current

Specifically, I propose the integration of a dynamic interaction mode that
allows users to manipulate and explore web maps seamlessly within the
StoryMaps interface. This could include features such as:


Live Data Interaction: Enable real-time data updates within StoryMaps,
providing users with the latest information directly within the interactive

Customizable Annotations: Introduce a feature that allows users to add
custom annotations, markers, or notes directly onto the web maps embedded
in StoryMaps, enhancing the storytelling aspect.

Time-Based Interactivity: Implement a timeline feature that allows users
to visualize changes in the data over time, creating a more immersive
storytelling experience.

Layer Control: Provide users with the ability to toggle different map
layers on and off, allowing for a more personalized exploration of the
geographic data presented in the StoryMap.

By incorporating these features, ArcGIS StoryMaps can offer a more
versatile platform for users to convey their narratives effectively. The
goal is to empower storytellers to create more compelling and informative
presentations by harnessing the full potential of web maps within the
StoryMaps framework.

I believe that implementing these enhancements will not only enrich the
user experience but also attract a wider audience interested in creating
dynamic, data-driven narratives. I look forward to the possibility of
seeing these features integrated into ArcGIS StoryMaps to further elevate
the platform's capabilities. Thank you for considering my suggestion, and
I'm open to any further discussions or clarifications you may need.

@imanebenromdhane -- I would invite you to explore more about what you can do with web maps. Most of the things you mentioned are already possible!

  1. Web maps automatically show the latest information from the layers they contain. For example, here's a map of current weather and wind conditions in India and here's one of current wildfire activity in the US. There are also many workflows to update data layers if you need to manage dynamic datasets. For example: Updating data in ArcGIS Online just got a whole lot easier (
  2. Here are some examples of crowdsourcing information in a story:
    1. Elevate your storytelling: Integrating multiple apps in ArcGIS StoryMaps ( (see section on surveys)
    2. Crowdsourced Mapping for ArcGIS StoryMaps—Easy as 123 (
    3. You can also embed into a story an ArcGIS Instant App, another ArcGIS app, or a 3rd party app that has sketching capability.
  3. There are lots of ways to show time in stories! Here's a whole blog that describes many different techniques: Showing time in ArcGIS StoryMaps (
  4. There are also various ways to enable your readers to engage with the maps in your story.
    1. The two most popular are map actions and map choreography. Below are two articles you can read to learn more about those. We recommend these techniques for configuring map interactivity because they make it very easy for your readers. They don't have to worry about which layers to toggle on or off or how to use the layer control (which is not necessarily familiar to people who aren't GIS professionals).
      1. Supercharge your stories with map actions (
      2. Choreograph your maps with ArcGIS StoryMaps (
    2. If you require a layer list in your story, you can embed an ArcGIS Instant app that provides this ability. This is also something we are considering to add in a future update of ArcGIS StoryMaps, and I would recommend voting for this idea if you would like to see this feature added.

Thank you for this opportunity to reply to your suggestions and questions!

I'm going to close this idea since most of the items you mentioned are already offered, but if there are specific features that are not available, please be sure to submit them as new separate ideas according to our idea submission guidelines mentioned here: Guidelines for posting to the ArcGIS StoryMaps Com... - Esri Community 

Status changed to: Already Offered
Merci pour vos conseils. Je vais les mettre en pratique dès que possible.
En ce qui concerne l'ajout de plusieurs couches, j'ai rencontré des
difficultés mais après quelques essais ça marche.