Using polygons instead of points in map tours

05-07-2021 06:23 AM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
New Contributor II

I need to create a map tour of project *areas* we have worked on. The areas need to be represented on the map tour by country polygons, in some cases 3-4 countries. 

What I would like to do is calculate centeroid points and use them as markers. When they are selected, I would like to bring up the usual map tour information and illustrate the project polygon. 

1 Comment
Status changed to: Already Offered

@TKWhite4 -- You can already do something very similar to what you are requesting. There are two main pieces to doing this:

  1. Using tools in ArcGIS Online/Desktop, create a feature layer of points, as you described above, using the centroids of your areas layer. Add the information you want to display for each location to each point in this layer: title, description, and image attachments, if desired. Then use this feature layer to create a map tour using the option to Start with a feature service.
  2. Create a web map that contains your polygon layer (don't include the point layer). Back in the story builder, change the basemap in the map tour options and use the web map you've created. The polygon layer in the web map will also be shown in your map tour.

Let us know if this accomplishes your goal.