Text translation options

06-12-2023 09:59 AM
Emerging Contributor

I am assisting with a project that could really use built in or linked translation abilities. For example the story we are are working on now is very large - we will actually be using a story collection for this digital humanities project. We are building it in English but then will translate into Arabic, Spanish, and potentially other languages. Our understanding is that we will essentially make copies and translate those versions. Then if we have to make edits to images, videos, captions, content for whatever reason we would need to go into each story map to make the updates. It would be great to be able to toggle languages within one story. This would help guard against editing errors and provide a potential educational support (e.g. if a language  learner wants to practice reading Arabic but have the ability to easily reference English). 


@JeffEssic - Thanks for sharing your idea. It's a great idea! However, it is a duplicate of an existing one, so we are going to close it and suggest that you (and others who have upvoted it) please add your detailed feedback and kudos to this existing issue.

Multiple language ArcGIS StoryMaps - Esri Community

Status changed to: Closed