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Grouping elements so you can move them all together

11-14-2024 10:57 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

I would love to be able to group separate elements together so I can move them all together, instead of one at a time. For example, if you create a list and add a title to your list and then more information below it, all of those things are separate elements and have to be moved one at a time. A group option would allow you to "group" these elements together so they can all be moved at the same time. It's not efficient to drag and drop elements one at a time. 

As you can see in the example below, each of these text pieces are separate pieces. I want to move them all at the same time but cannot. The red marks indicate what is separate, I would like to still be able to move them independently of each other within the group, but also as a group. 



Agree that this would be really helpful!  It's currently quite labour intensive to move text around a StoryMap. Being able to highlight several sections and move them around together would be great. 

Status changed to: Closed

Closing as duplicate of Please upvote and/or comment on this existing idea to register your support for this enhancement request.