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Add multiple images to StoryMaps image content block

09-07-2020 05:25 AM
Status: Implemented
Emerging Contributor

In the same way that multiple images can be used in sidecar slides or guided map, it would be useful to have multiple images within the basic image content block, that the reader can click through.

To give the reader a break from the large and immersive sidecar type blocks, this feature could let the reader decide whether to see more information (i.e. click through more images) rather than forcing them to see all the photos in one long sidecar/slideshow.

This feature is already available inside other content blocks, but not within the image content block itself.

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Hi @SamPepper -- Thanks for posting this idea. Have you considered using a slideshow? Slideshows are designed to contain a series of secondary content items (images, videos, maps). Secondary content is content that isn't critical to the main story that interested readers can take time to explore if they like.

Here's an example story that makes good use of slideshows: Birding in Trinidad.

If slideshow doesn't meet your need, please provide some additional information about how what you are looking for differs from a slideshow so we can understand what you are looking to do.


@OwenGeo Thanks for the response. I have considered using a slideshow (and have used it for the particular story that prompted the post), but it has the same issue as the sidecar in that its a massive immersive image taking over the whole screen.

Immersive images are great for many things but in a longer story can be tiring to see too often. The multi-photo block would serve a different purpose of giving the reader a break, but offering extra content for those interested.


@SamPepper -- Great, thank you for the additional context. We've got a few things planned for next year that I think you'll find useful, so stay tuned!

Status changed to: In Product Plan

@SamPepper A new image gallery block was added in Feb 2021. For details see What's new in ArcGIS StoryMaps (February 2021).

Status changed to: Implemented

ArcGIS StoryMaps just added a new image gallery layout called filmstrip. For more information, see What’s new in ArcGIS StoryMaps (June 2022) (