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Accessibility in ArcGIS StoryMaps

06-09-2023 11:26 AM
Status: Closed
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Regular Contributor

My team has been collaborating various projects and agencies to create StoryMaps. StoryMaps have great accessibility features, such as a clear place for Alt Text and the use of headings. However, we have gotten testing results back with errors in a few areas:

  • Color contrast in navigation
  • Keyboard navigation traps
  • Incorrect reading order on tabs
  • Buttons coded as links, not buttons
  • No indication when something opens in a new tab
  • Various errors in the ARIA code

The details of this testing are too much for this post and have been provided to the StoryMaps and Accessibility teams. This post is to encourage additional review of accessibility functionality so more of our agencies can use StoryMaps. 

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1 Comment
Status changed to: Closed

Hello @ShanaCrosson2! Thanks for sharing this feedback. We have received the feedback you mentioned above and are reviewing it along with the results of a recent comprehensive accessibility evaluation that was done by a 3rd party contractor. We will evaluate each item for possible action and prioritize them for inclusion in our development schedule, as appropriate.

I am, however, going to close this idea because it does not adhere to the community idea submission guidelines. It is not a single, specific idea that others can upvote or register support for.

But I certainly appreciate the sentiment of engaging the community on accessibility in ArcGIS StoryMaps! If you'd like to start a similar thread over in the ArcGIS Questions board that would be a great place for a discussion like that.