I want to find out what percentage of each land cover type is within 1km of each address (i.e. in a 1km buffer around each point).
Were the land cover also a polygon, it would be no problem to use the intersect tool. However, that doesn't work with raster data. My raster data is too large to convert into polygons.
The table I need to output should contain the ID of the buffer and the areas covered by each land cover type within that buffer.
I realise that this may be an extremely basic problem, but I'd very much appreciate any suggestions for appropriate tools I might use. Many thanks in advance.
Hi James,
The Zonal Statistics as Table may give you the result you're looking for. However, take note of the following for your Input value raster:
The Input value raster (in_value_raster in Python) can be either integer or floating point. However, when it is floating-point type, the options for calculating majority, median, minority, and variety will not be available.
you could convert your buffers to a raster using the same cell size, extent and snap raster, then examine the results of
This would work best if you treated the buffers as a single unit, ie they were reclassed to a single value... buffer (ie 1) non-buffer ( nodata)