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GIS Request Management - Adding a new field

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07-25-2024 02:01 PM
Esri Contributor

Hello everyone!  It has been so great to see and hear all the enthusiasm around the new GIS Request Management solution.  Many of you are up and running and it is so cool to see.

However the #1 question / issue folks are having is adding fields to the request forms.  Here is the approach:

1. Add new fields as needed to the GIS_Activities layer.
    Do not add domain values - we have seen issues with this

This layer is used for both the GIS Requests and the GIS Activities Survey forms.

2. Open the forms that you want to add the new field(s) in Survey 123 Connect

3. Add the fields to the form manually

4. Add "choices" to the fields for the pick list as appropriate.

5. Publish the survey

6. Update the views - the views do not automically show the new fields -



3 Solutions

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Esri Contributor

Some additional details to add to the above I decided to document while I was adding a field - which was a success.

Open the XLS form
Add new row where you want to the new field to be included
 - be aware of the repeats for effort and comments and make sure you stay out of those groups in the form
Add the name - make sure it is exaclty what you have added to the feature - this sould be all lowercase
scroll over to the bind::esri:fieldType and bind::esri:fieldLength columns and fill out appropriately.

If you want to add a pick list make sure you add your "choices"

save the XLS - see the new field in the preview 
Don't be afraid to click "Update" if things get weird.

Click Publish

When the popup shows alerting you that the survey has already been published and that the survey contains questions that are not consistent with the corresponding field alias - IGNORE IT do not toggle the switcher on you don't want to do this.

Click Publish survey


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Esri Contributor

Some more details as I have been working with folks.

1. If you want to update the GIS Activity form - add field to GIS_Activities first, then add field in Survey 123 and publish.

2. If you want to update the GIS Service Request Form - add fields to GIS_Activities first, then "Update View" for the GIS_Requests view layer, then add fields in Survey 123 and publish

3. If you want to update the GIS Request Satisfaction Survey Form - add fields to GIS_SatisfactionSurveys first, then "Update View"on GIS_SatisfactionSurveys_submit view layer, then add fields in Survey 123 and publish.

Another thing came up while talking to a customer - they had created a join view of the GIS_Activities layer to play around and then ended up deleting it because they didn't want or need it.  But with the new recycling bin it doesn't fully delete.  Therefore the schema was locked on the GIS_Activities layer. Once we deleted that join view permanently from the Recycle Bin the schema was not longer locked.

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Emerging Contributor

Thanks, @BrandiRank22 . I reinstalled the Connect desktop app again, and it is working. 

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26 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I did try this but the problem seems to be that it stalls forever during publishing at the “adding # field(a)” step, endlessly spinning.

I checked the itemID for the form (based on other troubleshooting posts) and it matched the AGOL folder so that wasn't it.

Alternatively, I tried adding the field to the hosted feature layer and then re-syncing the form into survey123 connect to add the fields, but still it considered the added fields new schema to be added (double checked edri field type bind, alias, etc all identical).

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Occasional Contributor

Side note: they really should let us go back and edit our previous posts for spelling errors some of us have clumsy thumbs (clumbs?) 

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Esri Contributor

Hi Cierra!  😁

Are you deploying the solution in AGOL or Enterprise?
I am going to do some testing this morning.

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Occasional Contributor

AGOL. I'd like to do Portal but after browsing the solutions gallery it does not seem to have been released there yet.

Esri Contributor

The solution is only available for ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 at this moment. If you're running an earlier version, the solution won't be in the Solutions App gallery in your Portal.

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Occasional Contributor

I am seeing this same behavior in AGOL (hoping to publish in our Enterprise account once we've upgraded to 11.3, but wanting to test the solution for now). Publishing stalls indefinitely while trying to add a new field to the request survey even though the spreadsheet is filled out (all fields mentioned above) and the Survey123 Connect app updates correctly. Everything looks right, but when I click Publish, I get an endless spinning circle.

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Esri Contributor

Hi @SadieBarker - If you want to update the GIS Service Request Form - make sure you add fields to the GIS_Activities feature layer first, then "Update View" for the GIS_Requests view layer to have the added fields show up in the view, then add fields in Survey 123 and publish. Let me know if you're still running into issues.

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Occasional Contributor

Thank you for the clarifying details, but I'm pretty sure I'm following all of these steps correctly and still getting stuck on the Publish step. Again, this is via AGOL (will move to Enterprise later), so not sure if that could explain it. We are just experimenting for now.

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Esri Contributor

Is there a specific step of publishing in Survey123 connect that it hangs up on? Would you be able to share your XLS form with me and I can take a look? I'm also happy to connect with you to further investigate.

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