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Does ESRI's Lead Service Line Inventory solution match new EPA guidance?

08-31-2022 09:37 AM
Status: Implemented
Frequent Contributor

On August 10th, EPA held a nationwide webinar on the lead and copper rule revisions (LCRR). Included was the data schema that should be followed. ESRI's solution looks close but is not the same. While the EPA does NOT require the exact schema be used, I think it would be a very good idea to. Please consider matching the EPA data schema in the solution. The schema presented is attached to this idea, or can be found on EPA's Lead and Copper page including a recording of the August 10th presentation. In the spreadsheet, the schema is on tab "Detailed Inventory". Since this is mandatory for every water provider with reporting deadlines, time is of the essence. Thanks.


@HowardCrothers I don't know if you have recieved my direct message, it's not showing up in my private conversations, but I am still interested in getting a look at the new schema.


Enhancement is now available in November 2022 release:

Lead Service Line Inventory 

Release notes

Status changed to: Implemented

Could we possibly just get a FGDB schema for download to use with ArcGIS Pro 2.9 or earlier? I'm still weary to make the jump to ArcGIS Pro 3, and I still have team members using ArcMap as it is...


@HowardCrothers @AyanPalit Hi Howard and Ayan, 

Is there an ETA for when the updated Lead Service Line solution will be available ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1??


@imansbburg If you need a FGDB schema of the latest update to the solution you can just deploy the solution again to ArcGIS Online and export the service to an FGDB.  Exporting the service to an FGDB happens through ArcGIS Online and isn't Pro version specific.


@jakemathis  We can't make Version 3.0 of the Lead Service Line Inventory solution available on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1. Version 3.0 is using some capabilities that are only available in Enterprise 11.0 and beyond.  


@HowardCrothers Thanks for the information Howard.


Thank you. I did end up deploying the solution in AGOL because I was so curious to look at the feature service schema and setup. The deployment requirements said that ArcGIS Pro 3 was required, but I'm using 2.9.1....but am I understanding correctly there is no true restriction on Pro versions and only for Enterprise? 


@imansbburg The Pro project that is deployed with Version 3.0 of the solution was created in Pro 3.0 and tested for Pro 3.0. So if you want to use the out of the box deployed Pro project you need Pro 3.x.  Since that solution is just using Pro as a desktop client to edit feature services from ArcGIS Online (or Portal with Enterprise) the web apps, mobile apps, and feature services will all still function as expected.  You can also create your own custom Pro project that consumes the V3.0 services in Pro 2.9.1.