Version 1.0 of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF is now available

06-28-2012 04:06 PM
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor
Create custom Windows applications with power mapping and GIS capabilities. It includes an interactive samples application, sample data, developer help, and other resources to help you build and deploy your own custom solution using Microsoft's WPF technology. For details, see
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9 Replies
New Contributor
Create custom Windows applications with power mapping and GIS capabilities. It includes an interactive samples application, sample data, developer help, and other resources to help you build and deploy your own custom solution using Microsoft's WPF technology. For details, see

Where i can download the SDK?
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Esri Frequent Contributor

The current WPF SDK is now the version 10.2.3. It can be downloaded from here.

If you start a new project you should also consider using the new .Net API.

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New Contributor III

Does version 1.0 of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF contain API for developing Metrostyle applications (Windows 😎 as demonstrated in Developers Summit?

Best Regards, Dima.

Create custom Windows applications with power mapping and GIS capabilities. It includes an interactive samples application, sample data, developer help, and other resources to help you build and deploy your own custom solution using Microsoft's WPF technology. For details, see
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Occasional Contributor III

Does version 1.0 of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF contain API for developing Metrostyle applications (Windows 😎 as demonstrated in Developers Summit?

Best Regards, Dima.

No it doesn't, that is developed in totally different product line. Actually current download does not support Visual Studio 12 at all since it requires Visual Studio 2010 SP 1 installed. Haven't tested if I can install current build to machine with both 2010 and 2012 and then use Runtime in 4.5 projects at VS 2012.

If someone has done that, did it work or is there coming VS2012 version with 4.5 support?
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New Contributor III
I tried it, but it's impossible even to add reference to Runtime SDK in Metrostyle application.

No it doesn't, that is developed in totally different product line. Actually current download does not support Visual Studio 12 at all since it requires Visual Studio 2010 SP 1 installed. Haven't tested if I can install current build to machine with both 2010 and 2012 and then use Runtime in 4.5 projects at VS 2012.

If someone has done that, did it work or is there coming VS2012 version with 4.5 support?
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Occasional Contributor III
You can't do that with current build but you should be able to create normal WPF application (desktop side application) in 4.5 framework in VS 2012.

I tried it, but it's impossible even to add reference to Runtime SDK in Metrostyle application.
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Occasional Contributor
What are the costs / licensing requirements to deploy a WPF Runtime application?
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Esri Frequent Contributor

Thanks for your questions. In the future I'd recommend creating new posts for specific questions rather than replying to the sticky announcements.

RE: VS2012:
Although it is imminent, unfortunately VS2012 was not released at the time of our released and therefore we could not complete testing and certification against this IDE. However for the next release we hope to include support for VS2012 and .NET 4.5. Having said that, although the current SDK install requires VS2010 SP1 to be installed, if you also have VS2012 installed then you should be able to build apps with the API.

RE: Windows 8 Metro style apps:
The recently released ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF does not support the development of Windows 8 Metro style apps because it's a different programming model. We are however actively working on supporting Windows 8. More details may be available at the UC.

RE: Costs / licensing requirements:
For pricing information please contact your local distributor. Regarding licensing - apps which use the Basic level of functionality (i.e. the API backed up by online services) are free to deploy. Apps which use additional local data/analysis functionality will require a paid for Standard license. There are also extension licenses available for 3D analysis, spatial analysis and network analysis. For more info please see


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New Contributor
Hi, I installed ArcGIS API for WPF 2.4, but couldn't find the template installed in Visual studio 2010. I w[ATTACH=CONFIG]0[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]19250[/ATTACH] like in the attached image. I should find it under C#/Windows/ArcGIS/, but it is not there, what could be the problem?
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