v10.2.5 had an ability to tell if the mapView contains a graphic: mapView.visibleArea().contains(graphic.geometry.envelope.center). In v 100.0 there is no contains method for
mapView.visibleArea which is AGSPolygon. It's easy to just take a polygon and start comparing xmin xmax ymin ymax, the caveat is to do it with respect to rotation angle. Any ideas?
Thank you for your question! Take a look at the AGSGeometryEngine class. That has a method "geometry:containsGeometry", which should do what you want:
guard let visibleArea = mapView.visibleArea else { return }
guard let graphicCenter = graphic.geometry?.extent.center else { return }
let isGraphicInMapView = AGSGeometryEngine.geometry(visibleArea, contains: graphicCenter)