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Adding a Graphic freezes

01-22-2014 09:26 AM
Deactivated User
We have a custom grid, which is a GraphicsLayer. It updates every time the map panning ends or zooming ends. We remove old graphics and add a new collection. It works 5 or 6 times, but then it suddenly freezes inside the addGraphic method and the map freezes as well. It was working in 10.1.1 SDK, but it's freezing in 10.2. Looks almost like a deadlock in nativeAddGraphic method. Do you have any ideas what could be causing it and how to avoid this issue?
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1 Reply
Deactivated User
I created a project based on the SimpleMap sample to demonstrate the issue. Attached is a source of the Activity.

The problem happens when I add 2 tiled layers and one graphic layer, it seems to work with single tiled layer.

Try to zoom or pan a few times and you should see the graphic layer will not render fully. The map will freeze and stops rendering at all.

I was testing it on Samsung Galaxy S3 and Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 devices.

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