I always get the follow Exception when the mUpdateResults call back method is run.
org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null') at [Source: java.io.BufferedInputStream@b3e06460; line: 10, column: 2]
The REST service URL are below and they have no problem !! Any Help ?
try { Point loc1 = new Point(3, 3); Point loc2 = new Point(97,50); // Start building up routing parameters RouteParameters rp = mRouteTask .retrieveDefaultRouteTaskParameters(); NAFeaturesAsFeature rfaf = new NAFeaturesAsFeature(); // Create the stop points (start at loc1, go // to loc2) StopGraphic point1 = new StopGraphic(loc1); StopGraphic point2 = new StopGraphic(loc2); rfaf.setFeatures(new Graphic[] { point1, point2 }); rp.setStops(rfaf); rp.setReturnDirections(false); rp.setOutSpatialReference(Spatial_Reference);