Streaming Oriented Imagery Photos

12-28-2021 01:26 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Hello, QuickCapture Team:

We would like to be able to stream oriented imagery photos with QuickCapture. Currently, when creating a project in QuickCapture, we can either select "Streaming Points" or "Take Photo," but we are unable to (and need to) select both. We are trying to capture 360-degree photos along our roads at automated distance intervals with precision GPS. With this, we can create a Google streetview-type map using the new oriented imagery tools in Experience Builder. 

Here is our anticipated workflow:

1) Bluetooth connect our Trimble R8 receiver to our Android tablet

2) Bluetooth connect a 360-degree camera with the same tablet

3) Mount both devices on top of a vehicle and drive our county roads

4) While driving, use QuickCapture to collect points and oriented imagery photos at specified distance intervals (e.g. 5 meters) while simultaneously streaming a line. We would use a button (or two) to initiate streaming both the point and line feature services and a button (or two) to stop streaming when we reach the end of a road. The output of this would be two feature services, a point feature service and a line feature service. The point feature service would have the oriented imagery photos as attachments to the points.

5) Use Experience Builder to create a 2D app that shows the photo points with a 360 image viewer that is visible similar to this app (except the 3D data would not be included):

We have looked at purchasing a Trimble MX7, but it is way out of our budget and overkill for what we're trying to do.

Please let me know if you need more details...I'm happy to clarify. Thanks!



@PamBlackmore  can you please email so we can discuss this in more depth?


@PamBlackmore  I do that (survey roads) for a living so hopefully I can be of help. I am currently working on what you described.

Here is what you are going to need:

-360 camera that takes geotagged photos: most cameras can be set to take pictures by time or operated with a phone app.

-ArcGIS Pro w/ Oriented Imagery Plugins and toolboxes : You will need to create an Oriented Imagery Catalog (OIC) and add the photos to it. I would create separate OIC's per road.(You will have to organize your photos into separate folders for each road) 

After you create and publish the OIC to ArcGIS online, you can create an Experience Builder app, add the OIC widget and follow setup instructions.

It sounds like a lot but it is really the only way to get the results you are looking for. I will update when I have an example for you.





There numerous ways to add images to OIC Database.. which method?


@PamBlackmore have you found another solution for this?

@IsmaelChivite I see this is still open. Any chance this will be considered?