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Subscription based website with ArcGIS created map?

09-27-2023 02:13 AM
Deactivated User

I'm a new grad student taking several GIS related courses, but ESRI has so many tool available it's difficult to grasp what services I would need for this personal project I'm working on. Long story short my vision is to create a map with ArcGIS that and sell subscriptions to users to view the map (maybe to create own maps using point features but this is a secondary function). I'm just kinda unclear on what this flow looks like and any nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated. I'm pretty confident in my GIS skills and web dev stuff but the gray area is the integration and authorization stuff. Can I go straight from Arc or do I need to go through map box or something? Funny thing is that I'm taking a GIS server course this spring but I need to at least get somewhat started soon. Thank for reading, any help is greatly appreciated!

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