Is it possible to run Geoprocessing tools from a stand-alone application?
Something like this:
var param_values = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(@"C:\temp\mmpk.aprx", @"c:\temp\mmpk.mmpk");
var gp_result = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("CreateMobileMapPackage_management", param_values);
The reason I ask is that when the 1st line is called I get a null reference exception. It's like it's not initialized properly.
I have followed the steps in ProConcepts CoreHost · Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk Wiki · GitHub and it does Host.Initialize() properly.
Anyone else tried doing this?
This is not supported.
So is there any approach (running a python script?) that accomplishes the same goal?
The goal being create a Mobile Map Package from one or more ArcGIS Pro projects?
That is definitely the way to go. Python is outside of my wheelhouse I'm afraid. There is a start guide here: http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/arcpy/get-started/installing-python-for-arcgis-pro.htm
You may find this forum helpful for python expertise: https://community.esri.com/community/developers/gis-developers/python