I am adding a text element via sdk on the LayoutAdded event. If I move that text element on my layout it shows twice when I export the layout. It shows both where I originally set the element programmatically and it shows in the location I moved it to. I can't get rid of the original element graphic no matter what I do. If I remove the text element it still shows when I export the layout. This is the code I use below, the "LayoutAddedEvent.Subscribe" is located in the initialize function of an add-in.
LayoutAddedEvent.Subscribe(OnLayoutAdded, true);
private async void OnLayoutAdded(LayoutAddedEventArgs obj)
var lyt = obj.Layout;
String Disclaimer2 = "This is a disclaimer.";
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
Coordinate2D titleTxt_ll = new Coordinate2D(0, 0);
CIMTextSymbol arial36bold = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 8, "Arial", "Bold");
GraphicElement titleTxtElm = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreatePointTextGraphicElement(obj.Layout, titleTxt_ll, Disclaimer2, arial36bold);
This is where the element originally is

In the next image I have added a mapframe and moved the text element.

This is what happens when I then export the layout.

Next I completely removed the text element from the layout using the TOC and this is what happened.

I believe this is a bug. Any insights or solutions on this would be appreciated, thanks.