I created a Plugin Datasource layer that uses a proprietary file as a datasource. CustomProperties are added to this layer upon creation. Is there a way to show these values in the standard Esri layer property dialog where the custom properties are listed on the left along with General, Metadata, Source, etc?
here's an example of a custom page for feature layers: - assuming u have added a property sheet/page to your addin (eg using the item template). The key is updating the desired property sheet collection. In this case, I am updating "esri_mapping_featureLayerPropertySheet" which is the collection for feature layers.
Config.daml (note: by default the template uses "<page..." - note that for "<udpdateSheet" u need to use "<insertPage ..."
<updateSheet refID="esri_mapping_featureLayerPropertySheet">
<insertPage id="LayerPropertyPageExample_Pages_FeatureLayerCustomPage"
caption="Custom Page" className="LayerPropertyPageExample.Pages.FeatureLayerCustomPageViewModel"
group="Custom Group">
<content className="LayerPropertyPageExample.Pages.FeatureLayerCustomPageView" />
internal class Module1 : Module {
protected override bool Initialize() {
if (MapView.Active != null) {
var layers = MapView.Active?.GetSelectedLayers().OfType<FeatureLayer>();
if (layers?.Count() > 0) {
var json_settings = new JsonSerializationSettings() {
PrettyPrint = true
QueuedTask.Run(() => LayerJSON = layers.First()
.Subscribe(async (args) => {
var layers = args.MapView?.GetSelectedLayers().OfType<FeatureLayer>();
if (layers?.Count() > 0) {
var json_settings = new JsonSerializationSettings() {
PrettyPrint = true
LayerJSON = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
return true;
private string _layerJSON = "";
public string LayerJSON {
get {
return _layerJSON;
set {
_layerJSON = value;
Property page View Model and View:
internal class FeatureLayerCustomPageViewModel : Page {
public string LayerJSON => Module1.Current.LayerJSON;
<UserControl x:Class="LayerPropertyPageExample.Pages.FeatureLayerCustomPageView">
<Border BorderThickness="1" Padding="1">
<SolidColorBrush Color="{DynamicResource Esri_Color_Blue}"></SolidColorBrush>
<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
<TextBlock Text="{Binding LayerJSON}"