I'm looking for a way to prevent edits to a geodatabase if an addin is not present in ArcGIS Pro. The extension listens to row change events on certain feature classes, and I would like to prevent edits if these row events are not triggered.
In ArcObjects and ArcMap I was able to achieve this by using class extensions. Once an extension was registered with a feature class at the geodatabase level, the ArcMap client knew not to allow edit sessions if the class extension was not installed on that workstation.
Is there a way to achieve a similar result using the Pro SDK?
Unfortunately, the business logic I have to implement is too complex for attribute rules. I am considering SOIs but the preferred workflow is direct database editing.
Consult https://github.com/esri/arcgis-pro-sdk/wiki/ProConcepts-Editing#enable-and-disable-editing. It might be what u r looking for
Thanks for the suggestion, Charles, but I don't think that will work. To access that part of the SDK, the addin would already have to be loaded.
I'm looking for a way for the map or layers to check if the addin is loaded when they are added to the map.
in Pro we only have addins - to include what u wld hv previously used an extension for. Addins can load early by setting the <insertModule .... autoLoad="true" ...>. It will be there when a map or layers are loaded to do the necessary.
Unfortunately, in this case, the module would have to already be present on the workstation. I'm trying to prevent editing from a machine where the module isn't present. For example, if an editor moved cube, and started using ArcGIS Pro from a workstation that doesn't have the module installed.