I am able to get the Geoprocessing tools using C# in ArcGIS Pro SDK to work, but it takes a longer time to figure out the syntax. I decided to write the script in python and use it in my tool. For some reason, it doesn't seem to work. I included my python script below. Thanks for your help! Here is C# code in the CreateModelSoils.class file:
public void GenModelSoils_py(FeatureLayer aggLayer, FeatureLayer allSoils, string AggField, string outGDB)
string installPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
string toolboxPath = Path.Combine(installPath, "GenIntersectSort.py");
var args = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(aggLayer, allSoils, AggField, outGDB);
Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync(toolboxPath, args);
I call this method in my ViewModel:
CreateModelSoils ms = new CreateModelSoils();
ms.GenModelSoils_py(AggregateLayer, AllSoils, SelectedField, outGDB);
Here is the python script I would like to run:
#Import libraries
import arcpy
import os
Def GenIntersectSort(aggLayer,allSoils,aggField,outGDB):
#Setting the environment
arcpy.env.workspace = outGDB
#Declare variables
aggLayer = os.path.join(outGDB, "\\" + AggLayer_Name)
allSoils = os.path.join(outGDB, "\\All_Soils")
Intersect_Sort = os.path.join(outGDB, "\\Intersect_Sort")
Model_Soils = os.path.join(outGDB, "\\Model_Soils")
#Intersect the aggregate layer and All_Soils layers
in_features = [aggLayer,allSoils]
Intersect = arcpy.Intersect_analysis(in_features,"memory\\Intersect","ALL","","INPUT")
#Sort the Intersect_Sort fields
sort_fields = [[AggField,"ASCENDING"],["MUKEY",""ASCENDING"]]
Intersect_Sort = arcpy.Sort_management(Intersect,Intersect_Sort,sort_fields)
#Create the Model_Soils layer with ID
Model_Soils = arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureLClass_conversion(Intersect_Sort,outGDB,'Model_Soils')
//Clean-Up the Model_Soils fields
keep_fields = "Element_ID"
Delete_fields = arcpy.DeleteFields_management(Model_Soils,keep_fields,"KEEP_FIELDS")
return Model_Soils
There is ArcGIS Pro sdk community sample CallScriptFromNet . It could help you.
i will try this tomorrow, but it looks like line 22 has a syntax error. Maybe you fixed that already.