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EditOperation with Callback doesn't generate undo operation to Undo/Redo stack

10-17-2019 07:22 AM
Esri Regular Contributor


I try to execute some filegeodatabase changes in one EditOperation Callback. Changes are made in one table and some records searched by query. Callback works fine. Changes are made, but there is no undo operation in undo/redo stack. I have tried to set EditOperationType to Long but without success. Is it bug or feature?

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2 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Gintautas,

We dont know of any issues that would cause this with a file gdb. Do you have any code to share that can reproduce this? Have edits been made to the filegdb before the callback is called?


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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Sean,

Sorry. It was my fault. I have separated EditOperation Callback from our application and find that it works fine. After that I have found the problem source. Next step saves it changes (and all made before) without prompting to save edits.


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