Hi, I am new to ArcGIS Pro SDK. Using ArcGIS Pro 2.9 and Utility Network version 5.
I am working on an ArcGIS Pro add-in project. I need to implement an automation function that assigns attributes when users create a new feature. For example, assign a region code by the location where the user clicked which requires a spatial query.
I tried RowCreatedEvent but it is not working on a branch versioned feature service.
How can I achieve my goal similar to the ArcObject OnCreateFeature event? If not, is there any workaround?
@OscarYam Could you please share your feature creation code snippet so we can answer you correctly?
Here is the code that I tested on both versioned and non-versioned. Which on fine on non-versioned.
internal class Module1 : Module
//For the events
private Dictionary<string, List<SubscriptionToken>> _rowevents = new Dictionary<string, List<SubscriptionToken>>();
private static List<SubscriptionToken> rowCreateTokens = new List<SubscriptionToken>();
private static List<SubscriptionToken> rowChangeTokens = new List<SubscriptionToken>();
private static List<SubscriptionToken> rowDeleteTokens = new List<SubscriptionToken>();
private static Module1 _this = null;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve the singleton instance to this module here
/// </summary>
public static Module1 Current
return _this ?? (_this = (Module1)FrameworkApplication.FindModule("CodePan_Module"));
#region Overrides
/// <summary>
/// Called by Framework when ArcGIS Pro is closing
/// </summary>
/// <returns>False to prevent Pro from closing, otherwise True</returns>
protected override bool CanUnload()
//TODO - add your business logic
//return false to ~cancel~ Application close
return true;
protected override bool Initialize()
return base.Initialize();
private async void OnActiveMapViewChanged(ActiveMapViewChangedEventArgs activeMapViewChangedEventArgs)
await subscribeToRowEvent();
void EditTemplateEvent()
void OnActiveTemplateChanged(ActiveTemplateChangedEventArgs args)
// return if incoming template is null
if (args.IncomingTemplate == null)
string templateName = args.IncomingTemplate.Name;
var insp = args.IncomingTemplate.Inspector;
switch (templateName)
case "Point":
insp["Field"] = $"{templateName} test";
case "Line":
insp["Field"] = $"{templateName} test";
case "Polygon":
insp["Field"] = $"{templateName} test";
QueuedTask.Run(() => {
protected Task subscribeToRowEvent()
return QueuedTask.Run(() =>
if (MapView.Active != null && MapView.Active.Map != null)
var editLayers = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>();
if (editLayers.Count() == 0)
foreach (var layer in editLayers)
//Listen for row events on a layer
var layerTable = layer.GetTable();
//subscribe to row events
SubscriptionToken rowCreateToken = RowCreatedEvent.Subscribe(onRowCreateEvent, layerTable);
SubscriptionToken rowChangeToken = RowChangedEvent.Subscribe(onRowChangeEvent, layerTable);
SubscriptionToken rowDeleteToken = RowDeletedEvent.Subscribe(onRowDeleteEvent, layerTable);
protected void onRowCreateEvent(RowChangedEventArgs args)
//MessageBox.Show("onRowCreateEvent " + args.EditType.ToString());
Row row = args.Row;
Feature feature = args.Row as Feature;
Geometry editGeometry = feature["Shape"] as Geometry;
FeatureLayer featureLayer = MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("DSDDistrict", false).OfType<FeatureLayer>().First(l => l.Name.Equals("DSDDistrict"));
SpatialQueryFilter spatialQueryFilter = new SpatialQueryFilter
FilterGeometry = editGeometry,
SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects
RowCursor rowCursor = featureLayer.Search(spatialQueryFilter);
string region = "";
while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
Row districtRow = rowCursor.Current;
region = districtRow["DIV"] as string;
row["Field"] = $"CUSTOM VALUE {region}";
protected void onRowChangeEvent(RowChangedEventArgs args)
//MessageBox.Show("onRowChangeEvent " + args.EditType.ToString());
protected void onRowDeleteEvent(RowChangedEventArgs args)
//MessageBox.Show("onRowDeleteEvent " + args.EditType.ToString());
#endregion Overrides
I'll add that you should take a look at attribute rules. These are scripts that you can configure on a geodatabase that run in response to edit events on specific feature classes or subtypes. Doing a spatial query and assigning a value to an attribute is exactly what they are designed to do.
Attribute Rules also work cross-platform, and will fire outside of ArcGIS Pro (e.g., runtime and server)
Is it possible to create an attribute rule that obtains a sequence number from SQL Server and assigns it to an attribute?
Yes. Attribute rules are written using a scripting language called Arcade, which provides a function called GetNextSequenceValue(). More information on attribute rules can be found starting here.
Thank you for your assistance. I'm going to study the materials that you mentioned. Hope this will work in my situation. I will update this post if I have any updates.
Now I am having a problem with getting the sequence number.
I would like to test out the basic concept before the actual implementation, so I tested on a geodatabase.
I created a File geoDatabase and created the sequence "ThePointSequence" by using Create Database Sequence tool. Then I had a test run that failed(see in the attachments).
Then I try the function GetNextSequenceValue() that you suggested. There was an Error Invalid Arcade expression.
So, is there any mistake in my testing? Or do I start on the wrong path?