Hi ArcGIS pro sdk team,
Would like to explore some possibility of loading default config.daml file from module extension.
For example, in the extension I shall have config.daml, config.uat.daml, config.prod.daml.
If I would like to load daml accordingly , instead of config.daml, want to load config.prod.daml how can I easily do it or where can i interrupt the config.daml file loading?
Best Regards,
Configurations allow the processing of DAML at Pro start-up. The callback to use for this is OnUpdateDatabase You can also use the OnCreateDAML callback in Configurations to provide DAML in the form of an XML string at run-time.
With Add-ins, you will have to modify the UI (at runtime) using states and conditions.
Hi Uma,
Just double check, is that applicable for Module extension/addin as well?
As I noticed it seems to be only for configuration addin, addinx and I can't have daml several daml files to modify the custom module add-in from it as well. Refer to my previous question https://community.esri.com/thread/238888-arcgis-pro-sdk-proconfigx-config-project-cannot-modify-cust...
Moreover that will be very complicated if I have to modify by code in ProConcepts Configurations · Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk Wiki · GitHub onupdatedatabase override as well.
So if sdk can support to modify the custom module from daml from config addin , If I just point relevant config.daml by using xmldocument object and return, that could be much cleaner.