Zooming in to 1:1 issues

08-08-2018 08:38 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I am working with a floor plan and when I start zooming in to 1:1 the line features don't display correctly. 

I've attached 3 screen shots of what is happening. when I am out at 1:25 everything is normal. Once I start to get closer at 1:4 things start to get a little wonky then at 1:1 they get even more weird. when I select the features the selection is correct.

Is there a fix for this?


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11 Replies
Esri Community Moderator

Glad there are no issues when projecting on the fly!  I just ran a quick test with my own data in UTM 17N in a map in WGS84 web mercator auxiliary sphere and don't see the issue.  I understand that you're not able to share the data but in this case I think we would need to get it to investigate this further.

Could you share just the geometry with no attributes?  And just the small subsection that demonstrates the display issue?

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MVP Frequent Contributor

FWIW, I get this often in Arc to, and is a function of geometry complexity. Key question here, is that open door thingy a true Bezier Curve, or a line with many vertices? Can you "densify" it if it is Bezier, convert it to a line with many vertices, same behavior? What about a simple dataset, say, just two lines intersecting?