Why does ArcGIS Pro have to be so slow???

08-01-2017 11:31 AM
Occasional Contributor

Why is ArcGIS Pro so slow? To select assets, field calculate, display layers, change symbology... the easiest of tasks that are commonly utilized within ArcMap are a drag on the software.

When will ArcGIS Pro become faster than ArcMap? That will be the day it could replace it as the goto product for GIS professionals.

270 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Kory Kramer‌ I have just update to ArcGIS Pro 2.3 and came across an excellent example of changing something without thinking about performance and efficiency.

When you Share a layer as a web service and select the "Configuration" tab you now need an extra click to open the most often used settings for a Feature service.

I can understand why adding a WFS section is useful and why that may be a click away but why reduce efficiency of a menu item that is used so much?

The funny thing is that if you want to go to the WFS section from the Feature section you have to click back (on the left side of the window) then click to open the WFS section (on the right side of the window).

Maybe they should divert the UI & UX work experience students into another part of the business.

Esri Community Moderator

Thank you for the specific feedback, Chris.  I'll share that with our UX team.

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Adding a field using the geoprocessing tool took me 10 min. That's quite a bad performance, specially when in ArcMap it takes not longer than a minute. Would be appreciated a better performance, especially when you force to use ArcGIS Pro, like with UPDM Data Model. Working with it is a nightmare.

Esteemed Contributor

What kind of data source are you seeing this slowness with (e.g. SDE data, file gdb, shapefile, other)?  Is this add field operation slow for all types of data sources?

Regular Contributor

I have been using Pro for some time, and I like a lot of the editing features. However, changing symbology is so slow.

I am using SDE (Server 2008), with versioned feature. I switched from single location, to unique values, added two fields, have 10 symbology types. To get to this point it took 10 minutes.I have the map paused, so it is not needed to change the view.

Now I am going through and changing the symbology to match what was used in the past. I am now 40 minutes into the change. I change the line type. It takes about a minute to minute and a half to "update". Then I click properties to change the color, dash, offset, and it takes about another 2 minutes after the apply button is pushed. 


It shouldn't take 1 hour to replace 10 symbology types.

When the program is running idle it is using 0.5% of my CPU and 0 Mbps of the network

When I click apply it uses 8.8% of the CPU and close to 45 Mbps of the network

It also pulsates the usage, 10 to 15 seconds of use then 10 to 15 seconds of idle, and so on until it refreshes.

I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.3.0

Processor: Intel Xeon CPU E5-2620 v3 @2.4Ghz

RAM: 16.0

My throughput on my network to the server is 1000 Mbps

Come on, please fix this very basic function with ESRI.

Esri Community Moderator

SQL Server 2008?

Microsoft SQL Server database requirements for ArcGIS 10.7 and ArcGIS Pro 2.3—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

Is it possible to upgrade to a supported database version, run through the same steps and circle back here with results?

0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

I made an error on the server, we are currently using 2012. We have the most current version of server/portal on our system (Just updated 10.6.1). This has always been an issue with pro. There was a great video imbedded in this thread that shows the significant decrease in performance when changing symbology.

We are in the process of updating the server to Windows 2016.

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

We are experiencing the same thing and we are running SQL 2016. My PC and video card more than meet the requirements. If everyone who has been posting here is complaining about the same slowness and bugginess, perhaps esri should take it more seriously and stop treating user complaints with such a laissez faire attitude. Something that costs as much and promises as much as Pro should just work out of the box. The user environment shouldn't be such a huge issue in most instances. If you want users to convert from Desktop you have to prove that Pro won't be more of a hindrance than a help.

Regular Contributor


there is no such thing like "...if you want users to...". They don't tick like that. We all will have to abandon ArcMap sooner or later (rather sooner). No choice left whatsoever. That is the fact.

And yes, ESRI doesn't have to do anything, history learns us. They let us vote, play around, that is, bread and games. Again, you hardly have got a choice without major and painfull changes in your organisation, if you come to the cheerfull idea to switch GIS platform to anything else than ESRI. It's not that I would recommend that.


Occasional Contributor

I have been keeping an eye on this thread for a while now. I thought at first that something was wrong with my set-up or network configuration etc., but after reading all these comments I see that the problem is definitely with Pro.

At this point, I am using Desktop for everything up to layout, then I switch to Pro as my layout tool and import my mxd from the Desktop. Any kind of analysis, adding or calculating fields, selections, editing or creating Annotation I do in Desktop and then bring it over to Pro. I find that I can go back and forth pretty easily when I find something I need to change while I'm in Pro. I just leave Pro open, change what I need to change in Desktop and then refresh in Pro.

Not the best solution, but at least it keeps my workflow flowing.