Why does ArcGIS Pro have to be so slow???

08-01-2017 11:31 AM
Occasional Contributor

Why is ArcGIS Pro so slow? To select assets, field calculate, display layers, change symbology... the easiest of tasks that are commonly utilized within ArcMap are a drag on the software.

When will ArcGIS Pro become faster than ArcMap? That will be the day it could replace it as the goto product for GIS professionals.

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By golly. I think I've got it.
Someone (or many someones) at Esri has a special forces or motorsport background!

They firmly believe in the mantra "Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast".

Unfortunately for them slow software is just slow software.....

I've just spent 3 days (billable total) on a complex map series in Pro.
The data is quite simple (low object count), only a few labels, small area, single imagery basemap with 2 overlaid raster images, etc. Think your typical NI43-101 or JORC resource report series.

There is no excuse for the GUI delays in 'mature' software. In many cases the data process, map update / render process will be complete and I have to wait for the ribbon to work out what it wants to do next. The number of dead clicks I made due to clicking before the GUI is ready has killed my hand and raised frustration levels to a record for this year.
Something as simple as pasting a layer from another map, moving it to the right order and then removing another layer is an exercise is patience. The same actions, with the same data, in ArcMap is much more responsive. 
No other application I run has this level of blatant disregard for efficiency. 

For those playing along at home Pro is running on a 5950X, 6900XT, 64GB and storage is a ZFS array accessed via 10GBE. 
Most data processing actions are pretty decent these days bar a few i.e. still a case of pick your fights and use ArcMap/Catalog/QGIS appropriately, but general simple tasks should not cause a full GUI redraw and disregard all input during that time.

I did lodge a case against this a while ago and after some time the response from Esri Inc was "work slower". There you have it folks. 

P.S. I do believe in the slow = fast philosophy. Try it. Turn down your mouse acceleration a tad, and look at moving your toolbars around so you have to move the mouse/your hand less. You will have more precision  and the mouse won't replicate your heartbeat when going between targets. You are more likely to click on the right item first time as well. In ArcMap you can then get into a rhythm of enter, click, type, tab, type, move, click, enter, arrow, enter,......repeat,  etc.
Not in Pro. In many dialogs you still have to click in to type (e.g. setting field length in new field form), or the delays and random pauses makes the application fall behind, requiring you to slow down and wait a random period between each task. 

O shoot - I forgot. You can't optimise the toolbar layout in Pro....... Unless you count customising the poor Quick Access Toolbar to an inch of its life with all the tools you use everyday.

ArcGIS Pro turned 8 a few weeks ago. 


Frequent Contributor

Why does ArcGIS Pro have to be so slow?  
After many years it for me it boils down to - There is always something.
No matter what you are doing there will be a weird UI layout or UX decision, new feature, undocumented process, change in process from an earlier version, actual bug, out of date documentation, non-feature-parity with ArcMap, a random pause, or just 'something' that makes you have to figure out, look up, re-do or just plain go back to ArcMap/Catalog just to get the job done quickly. 

I am extremely frustrated this morning because silly me decided to upgrade a model from ArcMap to a Notebook in Pro. Guess what I am stuck with? Not the code.

A strange issue where an input raster dataset, when clipped to a property boundary, will be shifted a weird amount. 
It works 100% fine in ArcMap but going through the code, then environment settings (maybe?) and finally back to just running the bare geoprocessing 'Clip Raster' tool still gives the weird result.

I'll figure it out but can't invoice anybody for the time wasted.  

As I said. There is always something.

This post is not about solving these issues in this forum but sums up my experience with Pro. 

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Slow includes time wasted by excessive mouse movement. 

Open Pro. 

Click "Open" to find an existing project.

Move mouse all the way to the right of the window to find the "Open another project" button.


In 3.1.x you can also decide to use the "Computer" dialog. Just be prepared to now move your mouse all the way to the bottom of the screen. 



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Using my new (not that new but have been running as Nr2 to make sure it is stable for real work) fancy computer (5975WX+4090) and for some reason today Pro opens Suitability Modeler when I click the Save As button that I have on my custom Quick Access Toolbar.

Close SM and then click the button again. Nothing. 

Easy fix - just remove and re-add it to the QAT (after going the slow way round to save a copy first).   

It is also getting the hiccups from playing with pretty labels on a crazy large dataset.... which has one point in it. Must be the weather.

Ah yes - and using transparency in image basemaps still create visible lines in PDF output so we have to add additional vector layers on top of the image to 'cheat' the transparency. Not needed in ArcMap.

And no, we don't use Adobe Reader so the setting you can tweak to make CAD drawings look bad while not showing the Pro pdf lines doesn't work so hope Esri doesn't try to handball the open case to Adobe again.

And in case you were wondering - the GUI isn't miraculously better with this class of hardware. It still misses clicks in the contents tab and opens the symbology tab in a 'beautiful way' AKA slowly every now & then if you haven't used it for a minute.

All these little issues keep making it slow and painful to use. Going on 9 years since its launch has seem some decent improvement in some areas but others are still just nasty.

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I forgot to mention - in the Pro explore info popup window you cannot just right click and select an attribute to use it somewhere else as you can in ArcMap. "Just a few quick extra steps needed; will just take a second". 
Who pays for the second?




This isn't a "please create a post because it is a good idea", it is either a mistake (not good) or a deliberate decision (bad). 


Can you see the space in front of the selected text of the attribute?  Funny how that will confuse the issue when you use the copied text in a query. There isn't a space in the data - it is added maliciously by Pro just to test you 🙂




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Slow to use and I have not figured out a way to adapt my workflow to be as efficient as it was in ArcMap.

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Why is it slow to use? Because it does this:

Input Points:


Output Raster:


A quick "Let's check something" becomes a "Where do I start to figure this out and do I have time to lodge this as a support case and what will they want from me as I can't send the original data so I'll have to fudge up a dataset that replicates the problem..... stuff that - Open ArcMap."

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