Followed the instructions in Take a map offline—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop to set up a feature service for offline editing. Add it to a new map, but didn't download the map. Select by Attributes works great. Download the map (take the FS offline), and select by Attributes no longer works. Same expression as when I did it against the online FS. Validate won't even work. Just those 5 dots marching across the screen, over and over again. I looked through the documentation, and didn't see anything about some functionality being disabled when a feature services is taken offline (and it's now coming from a SQLite DB). But, perhaps the case, and I'm missing it in the documentation? (because that makes sense, SQLite limits what you can do with the data). I get the same result in Pro 2.1.1/Win 10, Pro 2.1.2/Win 10, and Pro 2.1.2/Win 7.
The devil might be in the details with this one. I did a quick test on the offline data with the Select Layer by Attribute query being ObjectID is equal to 1. Works fine.
So may depend on the query along with potential limitations with SQLite DB like you said, but we couldn't know unless we know the query. Can you share that?
Add a 10.5.1 FS from "Servers" connection (not from a federated PTL) to a new Pro Prj where the FS is driven by a SDE 10.5.1/SQL 2014 FC, not registered as versioned where there are no other layers in the map and the FS has two layers, point and poly, and editor tracking is turned on; Build a query against a double field with no domain, validate, and run. 1 second.
Close the GP window.
Download the map.
Same query, press Validate. Watch the dots march across the screen. CPU eventually pegs at 99%. Only way to stop is to kill Pro...
BUG-000114001 Running Select Layer by Attribute on a hosted feature layer taken offline in ArcGIS Pro 2.1.2 causes a hang when run on a float or double field type.
Which is a show stopper for us: we're required to do everything offline (no "streaming") to the maximum extent possible, and are heavily dependent on select by attributes and definition queries. Same issue when using "Append" tool and you need to do a SQL selection to or from the SQLite GDB. I was so excited when Download Map came out in this version, what a bummer!
Thanks for closing the loop on this one.
Testing in the latest build of Pro 2.2 and Select Layer by Attribute on the downloaded service (SQLite feature class) works fine on float and double fields.
You may have just kept my migration plan on track......
Tom, I have to apologize. I tested the bug, not your description. The original description here does say
Same query, press Validate. Watch the dots march across the screen.
Previous wording BUG-000114001 Running Select Layer by Attribute on a hosted feature layer taken offline in ArcGIS Pro 2.1.2 causes a hang when run on a float or double field type.
I was not able to reproduce.
New wording BUG-000114001 Validating a query that uses a value from the dropdown list in Select Layer by Attribute on a hosted feature layer taken offline in ArcGIS Pro 2.1.2 causes a hang when run on a float or double field type.
What this does mean is that it is not a show stopper. Let me know if you can run the needed query in your workflow.
I am getting the hang and CPU cooling fan wanting to helicopter out of my laptop on pressing "Run" as well, in 2.1.2. Where I was going with that was Validate and Run result in the same behavior.
Tom, can you send me the sqlite db so that I can run the query in 2.1.2 and in the daily build of 2.2?