Hey @cmorgan4810
I was curious if you've restarted your Pro? It may be a cached issue, I've been running into that quite a bit and a restart fixed it for me!
Does this occur across all of your ArcGIS Pro projects?
Could you take a look at the following to see if it is helpful? https://support.esri.com/en-us/knowledge-base/error-requested-operation-could-not-be-completed-00002...
I've run into that before. Sometimes restarting the application or moya app sassa 350 reloading the layer helps clear the issue. Have you tried that yet.
I've had this issue happen to multiple layers. I was trying to avoid bringing in a fresh layer/ recreating symbols and labels from scratch but that's what I ended up having to do anyways.
Hey Leon, Awesome work thanks for sharing this Best Shading info it really helped me a lot.
Hey mate, try exporting the layer as a new file or resetting the Western Gazette symbology settings. If that doesn’t work, a quick software restart often helps.