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Tiled label to annotation not working?

11-21-2022 12:50 PM
Regular Contributor

Hi, I'm the only one but in Pro 3.x geoprocessing tool is broken?

Change the computer for a more powerful one, since Pro is so slow, so clean install of Pro 3.0.2

What's most frustrating is I use the function since its introduction to arcmap and except for missing populated tiled ID field missing sometime, it's working fine even in pro 2.x and yes, without missing tiled ID.

Now, I receive the message successful but, all tables are empty.  In my map, before using the geoprocessing tool, all labels are there (unfortunately, they disappear after the process unlike in arcmap where they are still active, who should be the right way to be).

By example, my elevations are well labelled but generated an empty table with the geoprocessing.  But, with convert labels to annotations it's working fine.  So it's like Pro now have a problem with tiled ID or I'm missing something.


Here my parameters





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Oups, think I find my problem.  My Polygon index wasn't check.  So awkward since if not check generate empty table but, if check, generated values.

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Oups, to fast.  The problem is very complicated.

What's I'm doing wrong?  I generate my annotations with a polygon index layer.  The polygon have a field for my projection since a part of the project is in Nad 83 Zone 9 and a part in Zone 10.  I make this field with map series - Calculate UTM Zone.  I try with my view in on of the two projections before doing the geoprocessing and in geographic wgs84.

First, some of my view have annotations some not.  Try again, nothing, try again and 

See this is one of my index tile with all my label.


This is my geoprocessing


This is the result, my geo database is empty, no annotations from my labeling.  I try whit the database beginning with a number or a character in case it could cause problem.


 I'm out of ideas.  In arcmap, except for the lack of TileID not populating in some tile (never found why) I doesn't find the problem.  In Pro 2.x no problem also.

So, what's the solution? I try everything and or I have a partial generation of my data, or I have nothing.

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Maybe I found the problem.  I think ESRI make a bug in V3 of Pro.  Haven't try it with the new 3.0.3 release.

The source seems to be on UTM use in the geoprocessing tool.  I make the tiled label without the UTM field to parse between Z9 and Z10 and manually just make Z9 then Z10 tiled my label to annotation.  Now look like they generated the annotations.

So the problems can be in two places.

- The geoprocessing to populate the UTM field " Calculate UTM Zone" generate wrong values.

- The geoprocessing tool, "Convert Labels to Annotation" have a bug and doesn't parse the UTM field correctly.

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Unfortunately, I try this work around with other layers.

Pro 3x still generate empty annotation layers.  For ESRI geoprocessing in 3x, everything is fine and successful.

Like said before, work great in arcmap (with TileId field not always populated) and Pro 2x with the same type of data.

What ESRI have broken in geoprocessing to generate empty database.  It's not because it can't do the job.  If I make geoprocessing layer by layer, the database is populated where is should be.

So why, now, when you do a series of layers, annotation layers in the database is empty with a "successful " message.  For me, maybe I'm stupid but, not populated my database is not successful .

Having to parse manually each layer in the geoprocessing is very time consuming.

Do someone have an Idea of what I do wrong or do you experience the same problem?

Unflag the labelling of geoprocessing unlike before is very annoying but, having to parse each layer individually to make the label to annotation is a very, very big drawback from ESRI.

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