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Tile Cache First-Timer

2 weeks ago
Regular Contributor

We are using VT Scada, and have a few default basemaps that sit on our local server as png's in a nested file structure. (we've duplicated one of these folders and renamed it, and it then shows up on the list of available basemaps)

I want to create png tiles from our map that I can drop into the same folder as the other basemaps. (EDIT: I want to do this from our map that is in ArcGIS Pro)

Most of what I've read/watched has gone over my head. And anything I've tried either fails with an error or gives warnings, but doesn't actually create any files.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial for beginners?

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1 Reply
Regular Contributor

Creating tiles can be tricky. Unfortunately, since ArcPRO doesn't recognize annotations (other than labels), I had to tile ~500,000 as-built notes from AutoCAD. I also tiled the basemaps for our MMPK's. The method I use is from Pro > Contents > Feature Class > Sharing > Share as Web Layer > Under Layer Type Specify Tile. You can also go through the same route but after Sharing > Layer Package (for basemaps/MMPKs).

Hope this helps.

I am the GIS Admin for Iowa Regional Utilities Association.
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