There are no appropriate templates

08-15-2019 08:06 AM
Emerging Contributor

I am using Pro 2.3.2. I am trying to copy line geometry from one feature class into a new, empty feature class. I successfully select the geometry I wish to copy and when I attempt to copy it into the new feature class, I get the error message that "There are no appropriate templates".

In the Manage Templates pane, there is very definitely a template for the destination feature class. I've even tried deleting and re-creating the template but this does not work.

Always, always "There are no appropriate templates".

I have resorted to working back in 10.6 in order to not be so frustrated by something so simple that won't work. I've referenced thread after thread I've found online about this - I've followed YouTube videos on how to do this everything I can think of and still "There are no appropriate templates".

At this point I see no reason to continue using Pro nor even bothering to transition to fully working in the platform. 

38 Replies
Emerging Contributor

SAME.  So very frustrating.😫

New Contributor

It seems like the problem has finally been resolved! After installing the latest update (ArcGIS Pro 3.3.1), I no longer have this copy and paste issue. 

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Emerging Contributor

That is great news!!  Thanks for letting me know.  I hope to be able to update my software in the next month or so.    I installed 3.2.2 not long after it was released but I had to roll back to 3.1.4 because of database issues.

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Emerging Contributor

I am using 3.3.1, and this problem is still there for me, unfortunately. I suspect the issue will pop up again for other users as well, as it seems to be an intermittent problem with no discernable rhyme or reason.

Emerging Contributor

I'm going to start a new post seeing how we are posting on this one from 2019.  I think i discovered what my issues was and i'm going to share it in a new post sometime today.


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Emerging Contributor

ditto for me, 3.3.1 but still get the error

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New Contributor

I have 40 points in a pointzm layer with an Integer64 OBJECTID field and a text 'name' field, which I want to copy and paste into a pointz layer with a lot more fields, but also including those two fields. In ArcPro 3.2.1, I get the "no appropriate templates" issue, clearly quite frustrating. So, just to embarrass the folks at ESRI, I opened the two layers in QGIS, and copied my 40 points, and pasted them to the second layer with no problem at all. Thanks QGIS!

New Contributor

Hi All, 


Don't we all love it when it does not work? 😄 

I had the same issue and I think I have figured out how to get around it. In my case I was able to solve it. I was selecting them on the table side, I figured when I do the following I can always paste special. 

1. Select the items from your table

2. Go back to Map ribbon and make sure you have have click on "Select"

3. Right click on the map and copy

After these steps I could paste special


Good luck everyone 


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Emerging Contributor

This workflow did not solve it for me

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