There are no appropriate templates

08-15-2019 08:06 AM
Emerging Contributor

I am using Pro 2.3.2. I am trying to copy line geometry from one feature class into a new, empty feature class. I successfully select the geometry I wish to copy and when I attempt to copy it into the new feature class, I get the error message that "There are no appropriate templates".

In the Manage Templates pane, there is very definitely a template for the destination feature class. I've even tried deleting and re-creating the template but this does not work.

Always, always "There are no appropriate templates".

I have resorted to working back in 10.6 in order to not be so frustrated by something so simple that won't work. I've referenced thread after thread I've found online about this - I've followed YouTube videos on how to do this everything I can think of and still "There are no appropriate templates".

At this point I see no reason to continue using Pro nor even bothering to transition to fully working in the platform. 

38 Replies
Emerging Contributor

I am having the same issue, also tried opening the create feature pane before but I still get the error message.  Working in V3.3.1 and all data is going from a File Geodatabase into another File Geodatabase.

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Emerging Contributor

I also have had this problem off and on ever since switching to Pro a couple of years ago, currently using 3.0. It is very disappointing to see the lack of focus of ESRI's tech support on fixing seemingly mundane tasks such as this. The error occurs at random times with different feature classes and shapefiles stored in different databases, no rhyme or reason as to when or why it happens.

Regular Contributor


Did anyone figure this out? I have this same issue. I am running 2.8.

The polyline features have only a few attributes; ObjectID, shape, arcid, grid_code, from_node, to_node, Shape_Length.  Select all features, select modify, select copy ( I have tried with both selecting modify before copy & not selecting modify before copy). I then select new layer to paste into and as soon as I hit paste special or crt-alt-v,  I get the 'There are no appropriate templates' message.  I also tried to select the create button prior to trying paste; same message.

MVP Regular Contributor

We're running Pro 2.9.2 and we're getting the same issue when editing line data. Does anyone have a resolution to this issue?

We've even tried making a copy of the original data and testing again, but no luck.

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Honored Contributor

Same issue, Pro 3.0.2, when copying and pasting features between two different projects. The issue is resolved by bringing the entire layer into the destination project, copying the features over to the destination layer, and then deleting the copy of the source layer from the destination project. I don't know if anyone else's case involved two separate projects but hopefully that helps.

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New Contributor

I had this happen while attempting to copy from a query layer. When I pulled the feature class in directly from SDE without any filters or setting it up as a query layer, it worked without getting this error.

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Occasional Contributor

Can Esri provide some updates here?  Seems to be an issue across many versions of Pro.
I'm trying to copy polygon features from 1 fgdb to another and am getting this error.  No issues with Lines or Points though.

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Occasional Contributor

Here's an odd development:  I have a point, line, and polygon feature class in my destination FGDB.  As I am currently only migrating polygons, that's the only layer I had turned on and I got the error.  After turning on the point and line feature classes, the error goes away and the copied feature pastes without issue.

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Regular Contributor

Still a problem years later in 2023 at 2.9.5. Good grief.

I was able to work around by exporting the features to be copied to a temporary fc and then they would copy.

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Emerging Contributor

I just updated to 3.3.1 to try and get around this and I still get the error, haven't found a workaround yet but have been trying each of the fixes in replies so far, but no luck.  Just moving data from one File Geodatabase to another.

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