There are no appropriate templates

08-15-2019 08:06 AM
Emerging Contributor

I am using Pro 2.3.2. I am trying to copy line geometry from one feature class into a new, empty feature class. I successfully select the geometry I wish to copy and when I attempt to copy it into the new feature class, I get the error message that "There are no appropriate templates".

In the Manage Templates pane, there is very definitely a template for the destination feature class. I've even tried deleting and re-creating the template but this does not work.

Always, always "There are no appropriate templates".

I have resorted to working back in 10.6 in order to not be so frustrated by something so simple that won't work. I've referenced thread after thread I've found online about this - I've followed YouTube videos on how to do this everything I can think of and still "There are no appropriate templates".

At this point I see no reason to continue using Pro nor even bothering to transition to fully working in the platform. 

38 Replies
Regular Contributor

I'm running into this issue as well. I can copy and paste a few points into the a different layer but then if I select a few hundred the error occurs. Is this linked to the amount of objects that can be copied and pasted?

Edit: I just spent a time checking this theory and it appears and I can copy and paste less than 200 objects into a new layer. This is a horribly limitation to a tool when it is common to be dealing with thousands of objects. This limitation should be fixed. Or at the very least explained by someone at ESRI.

Emerging Contributor

I've just reproduced your findings, I can copy <200 features to the clipboard and my templates show up for pasting, but more and I get the error.  I have >1500 features to move, so not looking forward to the many copy/pastes...

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Frequent Contributor


I am (and have been) experiencing the same issue. I am trying to make a duplicate of a polygon via copy & paste special, and this is the result: 


This does not happen every time, but still regularly. Curiously, if I keep trying, at some point it will work - with no change in my workflow.

New Contributor

Going from a SQL database into the SDE (another SQL database) and I am having the same issue.  Guess I will do this function in ArcMap.  Thank goodness we have both applications at our Agency.

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Frequent Contributor

I am seeing this same message in 3.0.1 after it working for several weeks. This appears to work on feature classes and throwing the error ONLY when trying to copy data from one TABLE to another (the tables have identical structure and as I said, this literally worked last week, just fine).  The data is the same, I am performing the same steps as listed in help documentation, and suddenly it does not work.  The help is very vague on this topic.  I cannot even find where to manage templates.  I am still able to export selections and append to the other table, but otherwise I would be stuck!

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New Contributor

SOLVED. I was having this issue too.  For me, there were joins on both the source feature layer and target feature layer for which one layer was not ticked to display in the drawing menu.  Once all layers joined to the source and target layers were turned on to display I no longer received the 'no appropriate templates' message and could paste to the new feature layer.

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Emerging Contributor

I have no table joins on my data, or Definition Queries, and still get the error

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New Contributor

Good Day,

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.2.2 and I am still experiencing this copy and paste issue.

I initially thought it had something to do with very large datasets, but it seems that this is not the case at all as I have just created two new polygon shapefiles on my c-drive. I added them to a new map view, digitized random shapes and then tried to copy and paste one polygon feature from one to the other. I select the polygon, click copy, then on the paste drop down I choose "Paste Special" and then I get the following error message: "There are no appropriate templates": 


If I keep trying it eventually works. Most of the time I must try up to 10 or more times for it to work. This has to be a bug. This is supposed to be a simple straight forward task that no one should struggle with. It wastes an awful amount of time and is very frustrating. I really hope ESRI seriously investigates this issue.

Emerging Contributor

Same for me. I have to try several times for it to work. Eventually it does. 

Emerging Contributor

I also have this same issue. It affects multiple features classes within my file geodatabase. There doesn't seem to be any apparent rhyme or reason what finally gets it to work. But, the problem occurs for me regularly.