I have a Pro Project that I use to create PDF maps for One Call (underground locates)
There are 400 polygons in the Locate. Each polygon has a text description of the buried assets.
What I am looking for is a method of text entry to enter the ticket number or numbers for the locate.
Right now I simply access the Text Field in the layout and enter the ticket number(s)
what I am envisioning is a table to the right of the layout where I can paste ticket numbers and they will fill out in the text field.
You can paste into the attribute table https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/data/tables/open-tabular-data.htm, I'm not quite sure what you mean tbh.
Table dynamic text might be helpful here. If you have the information stored in a feature layer attribute table or a stand alone table in your map you can use dynamic text to have the layout show the information in the table. Learn more here: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/layouts/add-dynamic-text.htm (Scroll to the Table dynamic text section)