I'm trying to compute the percentage of a field using the sum of all the fields:
$feature.FullVaccin / Sum($feature.FullVaccin)
But every time I test, I get 1.... What am I doing wrong?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hmmm... odd. This code works in AGOL, and if I edit the Layer through a feature service in Pro (this is different test data, but the same code as I originally sent structure wise)
var myid = $feature.Work_Unit_No
var mysum = 0
var myfs = filter(featuresetbyname($datastore,"TestPoints",['TestInt'],false),'Work_Unit_No = @myid')
var mysum = Round(($feature.TestInt/Sum(myfs,'TestInt'))*100,2)
return mysum
The reason your original code returned 1 every time was because it divided any number it found by itself:
$feature.FullVaccin / Sum($feature.FullVaccin)
So a tweak to the original code would be to create a feature set (in my example below called myfs) and pass that into the Sum function. If I want the myfs feature set to return all the rows in the Layer's table I can just remove the filter from my original response.
var myid = $feature.COJ_FacilityID
var mysum = 0
var myfs = featuresetbyname($datastore,"BogusPumps",['Integer1'],false)
var mysum = ($feature.Integer1/Sum(myfs,'Integer1'))
return mysum
If this doesn't work, I'm afraid I'm missing something that is right in front of me, but I just can't put my finger on.
Try something like this... I'm running this in field calculator and filtering on an ID, but edit at will.
var myid = $feature.COJ_FacilityID
var mysum = 0
var myfs = filter(featuresetbyname($datastore,"BogusPumps",['Integer1'],false),"COJ_FacilityID = @myid")
var mysum = ($feature.Integer1/Sum(myfs,'Integer1'))
return mysum
I ran this on the field "Float1" against this data:
Thanks so much. I tried it and I still get the same 1 as the output result
Hmmm... what data type is FullVaccin? Also, are you using Field Calculator? If so, what is the data type of the field you are calculating?
If you are calc'ing into a Long also, it might not like getting numbers to the right of a decimal. Try calc'ing into Float or a Double.
Since percentage is going to be a decimal number by definition it only show 0 or 1 when you calc into an integer type.
if you multiple by 100 it will show an int.
Did and still got 1
Though, my ultimate aim is to use it for custom label in a web map
Still getting 1? That is odd... are their any nulls in your table that you have to account for or does every row contain a FulVaccin value?
There are no nulls
Here is the table:
Is "FullVaccin" off the page to the left?
Is the table joined with another table?
If you run a calc on Percentage again, and this time just do something simple like
($feature.Calculation * 1000)/Join_Count
(just using data I see in your table); it will return a useless number, but does that result also show 1 every time?