Hi everyone. I have a big raster file and i want to split it based on a grid feature. I tried the split raster tool but it gave no output at all.
Is the grid in the same projection/coordinate system as the imagery? Have you tried with a simpler base name?
Yes they have the same coordinate system. I tried 0 as bas name but nothing change, i even tried the number of tiles method
Not anywhere I can test, but if you are sure both datasets are in the same coordinate system, you may try to rename/path so that NO filename(s) starts with a number, or has any decimal points or spaces in the path (except, of course, the decimal point for the file extention).
This 'used' to break a lot of the raster tools in ESRI. Not sure if this has changed for Split by raster or not.
Worth testing if you haven't figured this out yet.