Hi Caroline,
You can separate the northing/easting by using the directionSeparator tag, similar to the example in the screenshot below.
You can find more information in the help topic - Work with grid label tags—Layouts | Documentation
Hope this is what you were looking for.
Thanks Tom! I've tried the directionSeparator but I do not get it to work like I want it to. Maybe I am interpreting the description in the help wrong.
My aim is to be able to give the northing and easting coordinates different offsets because the coordinates are overlapping and many of the northing coordinates are not being displayed. To do this I would like to have one Component for N and one for E. Can I use directionSeparator to accomplish this or is there another tag that I have missed?
I have the rotated the dataframe which makes it difficult to just add another graticule and work with the visibility options (E are shown along all sides of the frame because of the rotation).
Hi Caroline,
<dyn type="grid" cardinalDir = "True"/>
This should give you just the letter for the direction. When the map frame is rotated you can define Edges and corners for the grid and toggle the visibility of each component along each edge to achieve a better result. See Graticules—Layouts | Documentation - about have way through the help article is a short discussion on this topic. Also, here is GeoNet thread covering the same - https://community.esri.com/thread/208918-cannot-orient-layout-frame-grid-labels-properly-on-rotated-...
Hope this helps,