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Running Arcgis Pro in Mac OS

09-28-2021 07:38 AM
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Emerging Contributor

Could we see soon ArcGIS pro tuning natively on Mac OS. The performance of mac is better by far than windows. I think we need to see soon version for Mac OS.

5 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

not likely ever.  The decision was made many years ago around the time of the inception of arcgis.

It is easier to configure a mac to run windows than it is to deploy code for two different platforms.

Here are your options, some are even platform independent

Run ArcGIS Pro on a Mac—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

... sort of retired...
New Contributor

Ahmed makes a good point about Mac performance. I have both systems, but I know which I prefer. 

Has anyone tried Parallels version 17 yet for this?

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New Contributor

Do you, or did you, work for ESRI? (Before you 'sort of retired') 

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

No, just a long time user that was there when the apple fell from the esri tree.  Boot camp is recommended and the cloud is the future.... which will remove hardware dependencies for the most part.

... sort of retired...
New Contributor

Although this is an old topic I felt the need to reply.  As of this posting 70% of college students use Macs.  ESRI needs to think about this if they want ArcPro embraced by instructors in academia.  QGIS is free, easy to install, and cross-platform. It runs on older computers as well.  And with the plugins available it can keep pace with ArcPro in an academic setting.  The arrogance of a Windows only GIS platform is shortsighted and self-defeating.