Returnig to an older version of Pro

08-16-2022 07:11 AM
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

I always use the geoprocessing tool, "Tiled Labels to annotation".

No problem until now that I have updated to 3.0.1.  Only generating empty database.

See labelling in my map for the extend I use, but anything is converted in each annotation generated.

So how to return to v 3 or even 2.x to be able to do some works.

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12 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Sorry again,

Thanks for the tip. But again, the same panel where only one instance of Pro. Like it combines in one place after updating itself. Just for my information, why my 3,0,1 is labelled 3,0,3605?? Not 3,0,1.

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Esri Notable Contributor

So it seems you're on the primary Uninstall or change a program window vs. the "view installed updates" window of the Control Panel and are seeing ArcGIS Pro 3.0 application.  You have to go one more window deep to see the installed updates to access the ArcGIS Pro 3.0.1 patch.  This link will show you how to get to the viewed installed updates window.

With regard to your question - as this is the primary application window for programs, you will see ArcGIS Pro 3.0.36056 and not 3.0.1 (that's the patch one more window deep).  The 36056 number is the final ArcGIS Pro 3.0 build release candidate from the development team.  It's just a number that increments up internally on new builds, alpha candidates, beta candidates and release candidates.

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Frequent Contributor

The directions worked really well for myself.

Clicked the Windows buttona nd preformed a search for control panel opening the dialog below.


Then Click on the "Programs - Uninstall a program"

Then Left hand column click on "View installed updates" and uninstalled the Patch 3.3.1 for myself.
