Hello all,
I am trying to return multiple attributes into a single field using attributes rules and Intersects.
For example two polygons overlap, such as a separate county and a separate state feature class, if I have a road how can I pick up the state and county attribute "name" based on intersects and place them into a single field such as "County, State"?
Hello Aaron,
Are you wanting to do this for a one time process or repeated workflow? Also, what version of Pro are you in and what type of dataset?
This will be a repeated workflow; currently running at 2.6.4 and the dataset consists of 12 feature classes that include points, lines, and polygons.
My goal is to have the name from multiple polygons returned in the name field for the intersecting feature, see above for an example. The closest solution I could find was from @jcarlson https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-pro-questions/help-with-intersect-intersection-attribute-rule/m...
Points, lines, and polygons will need to have this rule applied, but once I get one its easiest enough to figure out the others.
Below is a basic template you can follow: this is an attribute rule that fires upon insertion or modification of a site address point and returns the value of the ZIP field of an underlying polygon called "MSD.SLCOMSD.ZipcodesMSD" (a feature class in our Enterprise/SDE db) to the site address point feature.
The if/else block is key as it checks to be sure there is a valid intersection between the point feature and the respective underlying polygon. Also, all of your features need to be in the same $datastore which is ESRI/Arcade for database.
var zip = FeatureSetByName($datastore,"MSD.SLCOMSD.ZipcodesMSD",["ZIP"], true)
var intersectLayer = Intersects(zip, Geometry($feature))
if (Count(intersectLayer) > 0) {
var layer = First(intersectLayer);
return layer.ZIP;
} else {
return null;
Assuming you'd like the "County, State" field in the road layer, here is one way to accomplish that:
In this example I have the state of Maine and Aroostook County in two separate feature classes, and a section of road I'd like to update the attributes of as you described.
1. Run the "Intersect" tool with all layers
2. Make a new field for the combined attributes
The updated road layer will have the state and county names in separate columns since they came from separate layers.
3. Use the field calculator to combine the different attributes into your new field
!Sate_Field! + ", " + !County_Field!
Hope this helps!
My goal is to have the name from multiple polygons returned in the name field for the intersecting feature, see above for an example. The closest solution I could find was from @jcarlson https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-pro-questions/help-with-intersect-intersection-attribute-rule/m...
Points, lines, and polygons will need to have this rule applied, but once I get one its easiest enough to figure out the others.