"Opening the Selected ArcGIS project failed: This project was saved using a newer version of ArcGIS Pro"

05-02-2018 07:40 AM
Emerging Contributor

Does anyone know why I'm getting this error when trying to open current projects that previously crashed? They seemed to crash due to geoprocessing or saving the project. 

77 Replies
New Contributor

Has this error been resolved yet as I have just had the same issue?  The ArcPro project crashed while exporting a layout and now I cannot open the project.  This is incredibly frustrating as it is 4 weeks worth of work that can't be accessed.  Is there any response from ESRI about this?

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New Contributor

The only way I found to resolve this issue was to use a server backup from the previous day as ESRI didn't respond to any requests for help.  It turns out the original file had been corrupted by ArcPro during the export process.  I'd recommend anyone using ArcPro to ensure that they have got a backup of the project copied regularly.

Esteemed Contributor

Can you provide more specifics on the export process that you were performing when the corruption occurred?  Details such as origin of data (file gdb, SDE, etc.), destination of data (file gdb, SDE, etc.) as well as type of data (point, line or polygon, other) and operating system you are working on Windows 7 or Windows 10?

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Frequent Contributor

When forced to work with beta software like Pro, I always set a timer to remind me to back up everything every three hours.

New Contributor

I am having the same issue with ArcGIS Pro 2.2... Please Help!!!

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Occasional Contributor

This happened to a project of mine. Pro didn't "crash" and create an error report, instead it suddenly threw a Windows "ArcGIS Pro has stopped working" error and now can't reopen the project. Updating to the newest patch (2.2.1) doesn't help.

Is there a way to salvage a dozen or so maps and layouts from a corrupted project?

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New Contributor

What I discovered was the .aprx file was still there but the file size was 0! Apparently, a "save file" wrote a zero length file. In short, my project file was trashed. Since this happened to me AND this issue seems to still exist, I frequently backup all of my Pro files. Don't just blindly backup .... check file sizes first or you may overwrite a good .aprx with a zero length file.

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Regular Contributor

I just started getting this message after running a Windows update. Has anyone ever found a solution?

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Esri Notable Contributor

If you remove the Windows update does it work correctly?

If so, I would contact Tech Support to let them know. They can then try to investigate the issue in more detail.

--- George T.
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Esteemed Contributor

When was the Windows update applied?  Was it working after the Windows update was applied for some time or did you notice this immediately after the Windows update was applied?