Question about labels

02-09-2024 12:23 PM
New Contributor

Hi, is there a way to turn off labels only in some areas. What I want to do is to have most of my labels displayed but not on crowded areas. I want to add data frames in my layout that will be used to zoom into those populated areas where I want the labels to be on.

My thoughts was to create rectangles (shapefile) and use them for showing the extend of the zoomed areas. Maybe that way I could use some sort of by location fonctions but for labels.

I'm using ArcGIS Pro 3.2.1. I'm used to ArcMap and learning ArcGIS Pro at the moment.

Thanks in advance!


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4 Replies
New Contributor

Hi Gabriel! To answer fully I would need a bit more information on what you are actually trying to do, and it would be helpful to know what you have already tried so that the advice can be customized, but to begin here are examples/tools that help you to do at least a part of what you are asking.

1. To manage which labels are showing, you can create label classes and use SQL Query to include and exclude values. Eg. class 1 with labels that are in areas not crowded, and class 2 with labels in crowded areas.

2. Bookmarks can be used to zoom in to certain areas that you have saved in a certain scale, but this only works in map view.

3. Visibility range can be established to only show layers and labels when you are zooming in/out within certain scales, eg. between 1:10000 and 1:100000.

Let me know if you need more information on these, and if you're looking for something else, I'll let others chime in.


Hi Gabriel,

Most people position their labels using the maplex label engine and get them positioned as best they can using the various labeling modifiers. 

Once you have your map labels pretty much exactly as you want, then you can convert your labels to annotation. This lifts all the labels in your map frame and puts them into an annotation layer. Then you can manually move, delete, add, modify etc. This is really cool, but you can't go back, unless you want to delete the annotation and start the labeling process over again. But oh yeah!



Have fun, and let us know how you're doing. ArcGIS Pro is way way better than ArcMap.

Anything you need to know, google "what you want to know" ArcGIS Pro - PS Cartography MOOC in April

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Frequent Contributor

Label Classes and Maplex are the solution.  Find some way of querying your data so that you can label different groups differently.  Done right you can avoid having to use label annotation or graphics.

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Esri Contributor

If you create polygon features covering the areas you do not want labels, assign a feature weight in the label settings for that layer to prevent labeling in that area. A feature weight of 1000 will prevent all labels from placing over the feature. 


In Pro, if the same Map will be used in multiple Map frames in your layout, use the layer or label class Visibility range settings to disable the label class with the feature weight when you zoom in to make the inset maps. That will allow the labels to label in those areas when you zoom in. 


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